Platform for the students to check availability and request booking for a particular component and it also keeps a track of all the AAC lab equipment acquired by the students
Project Team members
Shubham Gupta (Mentor)
Badri Nag
Project Details
- DATE: 2019-07-24
- Team : AAC Lab Team
- Domain: Web Development
Project Description
AAC lab provides different types of components and lab equipment. And it also lends components to students for their project's accomplishment and hands on experience so it is necessary to register the inflow and outflow of components of AAC lab. And it is also necessary to let the student know which components are available in the lab at that particular time in order to lend. And AAC resource committee handles this procedure manually in registers and login books. So, we come up with an idea “What if this management is taken by a website?” .Our website provides the platform for the students to check availability and request booking for a particular component and it also keeps a track of all the AAC lab equipment acquired by the students. It basically acts as a database showing the availability of the various devices & their quantity and which student has what particular device is frequently updated. This not only helps to keep a track of the devices but also ensures their safety of them. There will be proof that a particular device is with a particular person.